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Drivers of Change: Top 20 most Influential Sustainable MENA Real Estate Professionals

Article-Drivers of Change: Top 20 most Influential Sustainable MENA Real Estate Professionals

With the launch of Expo 2020's Sustainability Pavilion, Cityscape Intelligence is recognising the real estate industry’s climate change champions

As Terra, Expo’s new Sustainability Pavilion, shines light on the need for more net-zero sustainable building design, the focus on addressing climate change and driving sustainable efforts within the MENA real estate industry is now more important than ever.

With real estate professionals pushing sustainability and climate change to the top of their agenda, Cityscape Intelligence believes it is essential to recognise those individuals driving change in the real estate industry.


Nominations are now open for you to submit your bid for Most Influential Sustainable MENA Real Estate Professionals.

You can nominate a peer, colleague, line report, or a key figure in real estate who is making a significant strides towards the MENA region’s green transition. 

The top 20 Most Influential Sustainable MENA Real Estate Professionals will be profiled on Cityscape Intelligence on 26 April 2021



-Only one nomination per person

-Please enter the form to nominate the real estate professional that you think is most influential when it comes to driving a green agenda in the real estate industry

-All entries will be carefully assessed based on the reasons outlined in the Nomination Form

-Make sure to complete the 100-word submission on how that individual is making a commitment towards sustainability efforts

-Deadline: 12 April 2021

Have someone in mind already? Nominate the most influential Sustainable MENA Real Estate Professional here


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